Talent Development
Serious has a ten year track record in providing practical support for emerging artists across the UK and abroad working in jazz and international music to help them build sustainable careers.
The last decade has seen a complete change in the way that the music industry works. The new digital formats for music and communication mean that the once dominant and plentiful infrastructure in music is no longer in place and, as a consequence, musicians are having to be far more self sufficient; they must become conversant and competent in the non-musical areas that support their work - especially those working in more specialised or niche areas of music.
When the Serious Trust was established, continuing this commitment to talent development became a key objective for the charity. We now have a suite of talent development programmes, Seriously Talented, taking artists from a crucial place in their early careers, offering practical advice and guidance on how to develop their craft, build their careers and get their music out into the world.
To date, we have supported 180 artists through our programmes.
You can play a pivotal role in an emerging artist's career by supporting these programmes.
For more information please contact [email protected] or 020 7324 1880.
It’s easy to get locked up in your own little world, so talent development programmes like Take Five provide the opportunity to take time out, and encourage you to look towards the future - to imagine and plan what might be possible.
Jules Buckley, Conductor, Metropole Orkest, Seriously Talented alumnus, and 2016 Grammy Award Winner