Creative Engagement
From large-scale choral/instrumental participation opportunities, to workshops; from subsidised ticket schemes to specialist music education for young people outside the mainstream education system, we are committed to making music accessible to all.
Our creative engagement programmes are designed to inspire and engage people of all ages, abilities in our music. We consult with partners and artists to plan and deliver inspirational experiences for participants of all ages and abilities, which include opportunities to work alongside world-class professionals. In the last year, over 100 artists were involved in delivering our learning programmes and 8,500 people engaged with the work through music-making, workshops, masterclasses and talks.
Find out more about how your gift can help to enable our learning and participation work by contacting Maha Malik on [email protected] or +44 (0)20 7324 1880.
I am writing to you on behalf of the teachers to thank you for your contribution to our pupils’ learning. The programme you delivered was quite frankly amazing and at times emotional.
As you are aware our school is for students who have a statement or Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) for Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs (SEMH). These students can be difficult to captivate and enthuse. Your programme made it look easy.
Head Teacher, Pupil Referral Unit