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Bryter Layter: A Nick Drake Celebration

Bryter Layter: A Nick Drake Celebration

Sat 13 November 2021

Stage time / 7:30pm

Orphy Robinson and Rowland Sutherland with special guests Alasdair Roberts and Emily Portman celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Nick Drake’s legendary album.

Orphy Robinson
(vibraphone, marimba and percussion) and Rowland Sutherland (flute) join folk luminaries Emily Portman and Alasdair Roberts and their band to celebrate Nick Drake’s seminal album Bryter Layter, one of Rolling Stone’s Greatest Albums Of All Time, for its 50th anniversary.

Orphy and Rowland created the Modern Jazz & Folk Ensemble to bring together leading musicians from the contemporary UK jazz and folk scene to celebrate classic albums from a new perspective. In recent EFG London Jazz Festivals, their stunning shows around Van Morrison’s Astral Weeks and Pentangle’s Basket of Light have played to packed houses and received standing ovations.